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Friday 20 September 2019

Sad way of departing Ganpati

September 20, 2019 0 Comments
Ganesh Chaturthi, the most popular and loved festival celebrated with huge zeal and enthusiasm in India. The celebration lasts for 10 to 11 days, Ganesha idol is worshiped. We all know the amount of devotion, love that we bestow upon Him but it hurts me to see why do people become so inconsiderate during visarjan time?

Ganesh idols that came back on the shore post immersion

It is the same old story every year. Most of the people get idols made of plaster of paris. Instead why not move to the eco-friendly way. If you still don't realise then you should definitely visit the beaches post visarjan day. The same idol whom you worshiped, took care of is lying on the sea shore with its broken head, hand and what not.
If this is the case then what's the point of worshiping these idols at home when we can't respect it or take care of it.

By doing this, we are also destroying the flora and fauna of the sea. We are polluting the water and creating imbalance on the earth. If that's not all for you all then I don't know what is? It's high time, we realize and take actions that we take care of mother earth for our future generations.

Eco-friendly ganpati made by a family friend

Eco-friendly ganpati made by my neighbour

Go for eco-friendly Ganesha which can be immersed at home, used as mud for planting. By doing this, we will always have Bappa with us. The plants will definitely add beauty to your house and give you clean air to breath. I have friends who have made idols on their own or have either moved to eco-friendly ways. I would request you all to promise yourself if you haven't moved to eco-friendly idols then please do 🙏🏻

Here's an article that was recently published on mid-day to read more on the visarjan details on Juhu and Dadar beaches.

Feel free to share my postspage with your family, friends, relatives to share such wonderful experiences through food, places or thoughts 😇 Thank you all!
For more pictures, you can also check my zomato account - @dhungrysouls and follow me :)