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Saturday 11 August 2018

Peek-a-boo to the two months of Tulunad - Aati and Sona!

Being a South Indian from Tulunad, I have always been very keen in knowing about the culture, the stories behind all our customs and traditions that we follow. With the same curiosity in me, I wanted to know about Aati and Sona months of the year. So, I did a little research here and there and I have something interesting to share with you.

Today's day is known as Aati da Amaase. The month that immediately follows Aati is, Sona in other terms, it is known as Shravana. On the day of Aati amavesya, it is said that one should have Paaleda Kasaya which is extremely bitter in taste. It cleanses the digestive tracks and is said to have lot of medicinal power to fight diseases. Therefore, one is advised to have this on an empty stomach to remain fit and fine throughout the year.

Aati Amavasya
Paale da Marra ta kette

Also Aati is the month where we remember our forefathers and worship them. No festivals or good work is initiated during this time. Once this month is over, sona follows which on the contrary marks the beginning of celebration with lot of sweet dishes. The agricultural work that had halted in the month of aati, is continued in sona.

The first festival that falls after Amaase is Nagara Panchami. Most of the people who are not in their home town visit their respective home towns for Nagara Panchgami Puje. Sankranti of sona is significant in this particular month. After sankranti, Raksha Bandhan falls on the first full moon. And following Rakshabandhan comes Ashtemi or Krishna Janmastami. And so on the festivities begin till Deepavali.

After the difficult times in Aati, Sona month brings in lot of love and affection in the families. Festives give the opportunity for such family gathering and feeling of oneness. It is the month of lot of gifts and sweets too. During Aati, the new bride who had been to her native returns to husband's home in sona.

In Sona, one is all set to have yummy foods prepared at home. Manjal da Ireta Gatti
is a special dish prepared for Nagara Panchami and Seme Adde, Kottige and Pancha Kajjaya are specially prepared for Astemi and Chauti. Manjal da Ireta Gatti and Seme Adde are my favourite.

Manjal da Ireta Gatti
Semeadde perr

All in all the month of Sona is pretty much busy and happy month in Tulunad. Tuluva’s being the worshipers of Mother Nature, show gratitude towards earth in every ritual of theirs.  As there is a popular proverb in Tulu "aati aned popini, sona kudred popini" which means aati travels slowly with no work at home like riding on an Elephant, and sona travels as fast as if riding on a horse! depicts that how busy the life gets in the month of sona for those good old days.

Feel free to share my postspage with your family, friends, relatives to share such wonderful experiences through food, places or thoughts 😇 Thank you all!
For more pictures, you can also check my zomato account - @dhungrysouls and follow me :)

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