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Sunday 28 January 2018

6 Website Must-Have’s for Small Businesses

January 28, 2018 2 Comments
Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur and aren’t happy with your website’s performance?

This eTip is all about making the most of your website for your business. If you want to see more of a return from your website, then I’ve got 6 must-haves that are just for you!

Easy tips for small business websites

So what are these 6 things you must have in order to have a high performing website? Keep watching!

6 Essentials For a High Performing Business Website

1. Consistent & Professional Branding

When people see your website, does it look consistent with your social media? Your website and social media should have consistent branding across all platforms.

Consistency is the key here but it needs to look professional. An amateur looking website will not attract the right kinds of clients.

First impressions are extremely important so it doesn’t matter how great you are if the way it’s presented looks cheap or unprofessional.

Make sure you don’t design something that’s just for you. You might be a huge fan of a colour or design but if it’s not something that would appeal to your clients, then it shouldn’t be on your website.

We use purple a lot ourselves but we know it’s good for our business so keep in mind you may be putting people off if you’re the only one who is a fan of a colour or design element.

2. White Hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Don’t underestimate the power of good SEO.

white hat/ black hat SEO
With SEO you are making sure your website is not only something search engines will index and (hopefully) display to users but that it’s done right.

You are competing with other websites for the same key phrases users enter and your goal is to be at the top of those results when searched by your target market.

Many people lack understanding of SEO even though it’s extremely important. You’re competing with many other websites. If you don’t have good white hat SEO, then no matter how good your website is, users won’t be able to find it.

Look at essentials in onsite SEO like having your keyphase targets in things like the title tags, meta data and the url.

A great example is if you’re selling a book. Many people will list the url pertaining to their book as
What you should do is have a url like this:

The title will likely be intuitively connected to your content with good keyphrases in it and Google will be able to read that.

You can even add the keywords you want to rank for to elements like image naming and alt tags too.

Make sure you have your desired key phases set and then include them in the onsite copy. All of this is the set up for SEO so Google knows what you want to rank for.

This part of the industry is daunting so don’t be afraid to reach out for help from someone who does professional search engine optimization. But watch out for overseas scams, do your due diligence first, and only proceed once you’re comfortable.

Look for someone who will understand your business and work with the branding, website development, and SEO together since these all work best when they are working together.

3. Responsive Website

A responsive website means your site will display well on phones and all smaller screens.

Years ago websites only had to display well on desktop computers. Now that smart phones are common, it’s important to have a website that can display well on one.

With responsive design your website will change its display while maintaining the same information, making it easily usable on a cell phone.

Designers sometimes opted to have two separate websites that would be detected by the device and would display the appropriate one. With this though, there were two websites to maintain and update.

With responsive design the template changes so you remove the redundancy of having to do everything twice. Google places a lot of importance on mobile usability so it’s a really good idea to get a responsive website if you don’t have one already.

If you don’t know if your website is responsive or you need help making it that way please get in touch and our website developers will make sure your site displays properly and performs well on mobile devices.

If you don’t think your potential clients use smart phones then think again. Over 50% of people are on smart phones when they’re searching online so please get in touch if yours isn’t optimized for mobile devices.

4. List Building and Follow Up

List building is in place because if a user comes to your website for the first time, there is a small chance they’ll convert right away. The odds are slightly better if you offer something in the way of e-commerce.

Because users are more likely to convert after their first visit, you want to give them a way to find their way back. An email newsletter subscription is a great way to to that.

To build your list you can try offering something for free like a download of a free how-to guide that requires the user to enter their email address in order to receive it.

This could be anything: An audio file, video series, or PDF report. The point is to provide value in exchange for the user committing to giving you their email.

Then stay in touch with your list to cultivate the know, like and trust factor with this, providing them good reasons to come back.

5. Solid Marketing Message

Use "You" & "not me"
A lot of entrepreneurs make their website all about them. ‘I do this’ ‘this is me’ ‘this is what I do’.

Unfortunately for a user this can leave them asking: what about me?

A website has to reassure a visitor they’ve arrived in the right place. Your messaging should clearly state what problems you solve and that you are there to help.

Use terms like "You" and "Your" rather than "Me" or "I". Hiring a professional copywriter is a great idea because they understand the intentions of the visitor’s needs coming first and can make what you do exciting, which helps convert them into a paying customer.

Creating excitement isn’t easy to do so a great copywriter is a essential to making sure you get your website visitors excited about you and what you provide.

6. Make It Easy To Reach You

Make the process of contacting you as easy as possible.

If you have an online store you need a customer service phone number prominently displayed. It’s normally placed in the top right side of the page.

Even if you don’t have an online store and you’re providing a service or something else with a "Buy Now" button, the service number reassures the user there is a real person behind the scene in case they need help.

Establishing trust is key so providing them with ways to contact you if necessary is essential to establishing trust. You will get more site visitors to commit to you and your business once trust is established.

Many entrepreneurs are worried about having their phone number out there but at the end of the day you need one so whatever you can do to provide one is a must.

Also have a good contact form. This and a phone number are essential to establishing trust with your potential clients.

Have a CTA (Call To Action) that leads users towards their destination. If your conversion is qualified by a contact then lead users on each page towards the contact page. Use buttons and text telling them to click and easily get in touch with you.

These are the must-haves for your website.

There are many more things to cover but these 6 are the essentials for success. You may think you have some of these covered but if you’re using a prefabricated template or an all-in-one solution, you may have something too bloated with excessive code to index well and it could actually be working against you.

How to fight backache in a natural, easy way?

January 28, 2018 0 Comments
Painkillers, as we know, aren’t the best possible solution in the long run but what can one do in case of extreme situations. Treatment needs to be holistic and something that provides a life-long solution. Hence resorting to certain simpler home techniques gives you that permanent relief naturally. So, in the case of a backache, adopt the following six ways for alleviating and relieving your pain.

1.Yoga for Back Pain
Back bending yoga pose

Yoga definitely helps in finding the required support from within. It teaches us to move with the flow and is an excellent way for relieving and preventing back related pains.
Just use your breath and stick with it while practicing yoga. Start slow and glide in steadily as there’s no need to rush. Move with ease and mindfully. You can always search for poses like downward facing dog, pigeon pose, cat and cow pose and upward facing dog for performing on a regular basis at least once a day.

2.Oil Massage

Soothing oil massages show a visible and much effective result. Start by massaging the area around your lower back and not directly on your spine. Give yourself a warm hug and ensure that AC and/ or fans are switched off!
Essential oils like basil, ginger, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and marjoram can be used to reduce inflammation and back pain. These can be diluted in some carrier oils like coconut, olive, sweet almond, jojoba and/ or castor. They are all emotionally calming and tension relieving oils.

3.Foods that help and harm

There are some foods that effectively help you fight against back pain. These include ginger, olive oil, turmeric, red grapes, and thyme. Plus, cooking with some organic butter or coconut oil also helps. Increase your intake of fresh veggies, nuts, seeds, lentils, and beans.
But cut down the consumption of sugary foods, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and refined carbohydrates. And moreover, stick to a nourishing and warm diet to let your Vata remain balanced.

4.Stay hydrated

As our joints are partly made of water, any kind of chronic dehydration can start to cause pain & stiffness on your back. Hence drink at least 3L of water every day to stay hydrated and avoid tea/ coffee which again contributes to increasing dehydration in the body. Drinking herbal teas help in relieving back pain.

5. Vitamin C

One of the major roles of Vitamin C is to produce collagen in the body and also protect the cells from free radical damage. Lowering vitamin c levels contribute to increasing pain along with inflammation. For this, best sources are broccoli, kale, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, peppers, and berries.

I'm sure by following the 6 ways you can say Bye-bye to your backache but it is still prevails then please consult your doctor for better medication.

Some Special Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice?

January 28, 2018 0 Comments
Certain gifts of nature like Aloe Vera juice can go a long way in blessing our lives in ways that we cannot imagine. We often take the things that nature offer us for granted but once in a while it is good to stop and decide what is indeed best for us. Most of us are too taken in by the glossy advertisements that promise instant results with no effort, and all you have to do to achieve that is spend a lot of money. However, frustration sets in when you find that your cupboard is piling up with products and yet none of them give you the results that you have hoped for. Maybe it is the time that we stop and take a look back so that we may decide what is truly important. And this is where herbal products can help us achieve goals that we always thought were impossible to attain.

Why is Aloe Vera preferred by all?

Aloe Vera juice
One of the principal herbal ingredients and one of the most in demand is Aloe Barbadensis. This herb is nothing short of a miracle, and there are few who are going to dispute this claim. Aloe Vera is enriched with Vitamin A, C, E and also packs in quite a few other micronutrients and minerals. Aloe Vera juice has to be extracted from the plant and it might either be done at home, or one might just opt for the best Aloe Vera juice, which is derived from entirely organic plants. The juice might be applied externally and can be consumed as well. However, it is always better to consult a doctor first when it comes to drinking it as he would be able to prescribe the dosage and the amount that should be consumed. Intake of this juice helps in keeping a sound digestive system and also helps in keeping the liver fully functional. It is almost like having your miracle cure at home by your side. Dermatologists, on the other hand, are very confident about prescribing this juice for hair and skin problems.

Promoting the goodness of Aloe Vera

The beneficial property of Aloe is no longer a secret, and one of the reasons for its popularity is its easy availability. It heals and repairs almost everything instantly. The Aloe Vera Products, have been made from the choicest of Aloe Vera plants and the scientists work relentlessly to bring its best to the consumers, which includes shampoos, face washes, soaps and moisturizers. The Aloe Vera merchandise has found enormous acceptability among the primary shoppers and all folks who have tried them for themselves, cannot stop praising their useful houses. The Aloe Vera merchandise had been created with numerous care and the high scientific minds within the enterprise work relentlessly and round the clock for bringing out the best in the commodity.

Embrace a Chemical Free Lifestyle with Aloe

Aloe Vera juice is famous to have first-class advantages, and it’s a high priority to deliver that goodness to the patrons at a low priced cost. The entire merchandise is wholly validated and free from any variety of allergens, though the patrons are free to seek advice their dermatologist earlier than they begin utilizing any of the merchandise on a daily foundation. Those who have already executed which have proven useful outcome and much of their issues have ceased. Taking away toxins and chemical substances and chemical compounds from one’s process or eradicating it wholly from one’s activities and definite to show some constructive effects.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Personalized/Customized gifts are perfect presents for your loved ones!

January 27, 2018 5 Comments
Personalized/customized gifts can be treasured forever and are perfect presents for your loved ones!

You can shop for personalized/customized gifts online which they can treasure for a lifetime or make one if you are one of those creative heads.... Such gifts are always thoughtful and meaningful as you consider the likes and dislikes of your loved one and then design them to make them feel special. Subtle and sweet choices made by you especially for them will be a perfect gifts for him/her.

I have listed few gifts whereas you can also go for customized cakes, cup cakes. You can easily find people on Instagram, Facebook and other social media who take such orders. Even when it comes to gifts, there are n number of people who sell these. Just ensure that you buy it from the trusted guys to avoid being cheated.

Let me help you with few examples with the links in case you want to buy some good stuff:
1. Personalised Magic Photo Mug

If you want them to remember you first thing in the morning with a cup of tea or coffee then this is the gift for you. When you pour hot Liquid in the mug, it displays the image & text that you have provided.

Customize it with Your Photos, Text And Design and you have a gift ready.

2. Personalized Lamp

Personalized lamp which displays 5 pictures of your with 3 W LED fit inside.

3. Message in a bulb shaped bottle

Glass bulb shaped bottle
mason jar made of glass. This can be gifted to him or her. You can also add your message in it.

4. Love Couple Clock Square
A perfect wall clock with your picture to make you remember the most wonderful time of your time. Look at the time & reminisce the beautiful moments.

5. Wooden Photo Coaster
 Perfect for putting your drinks on in style.

6. Digital Printed LED Cushions

Beautiful & customized LED christmas cushion cover with cushion to make your interior look more amazing.

7. Memorial wall art

Love birds wooden sign with your names printed for the perfect entrance name plate of your house.

8. Customized Mini Heart Magnets
This is a fully customized product with the set of 6 mini magnets with your photos. Use it at home or office. Stick it to you work station or refrigerator.

9. Leather Passport cover

A very common gift these days. Passport leather cover for your passport. Print yours and your loved ones name & flaunt it with every travel journey of yours.

So, now you have ample of options in personalized/customized gifts! Happy gifting :)

Eggs and Weight Loss

January 27, 2018 0 Comments
A commonly forgotten food in relation to weight loss is the egg. This article points out the role that eggs play in the weight loss scheme.

Eggs and Weight Loss
One of the most nutritious foods you can eat are eggs. They contain large amounts of healthy fats, protein and important vitamins. They are also low in calories, each having about 78 calories. The egg is high in nutrients, especially the yolks. A three egg meal contains about 234 calories and with a generous portion of vegetables you have a nutritious meal of about 300 calories. Of course, if you fry the eggs, you must add about 50 calories for each teaspoon of fat used.

Eggs are filling mainly because of their high protein content. High protein foods are known to be more satisfying and filling than those low in protein thus reducing the appetite and contributing to a feeling of fullness. It has been shown that an egg meal even produces fullness and reduces food intake for later meals. This is compared to meals with less protein but the same number of calories.

The Satiety Index is a scale that determines how well foods help you feel full and reduce later calorie intake. Eggs rank high in this scale.

High protein diets reduce cravings and those tormenting thoughts of food and reduce the need for late night binging or snacking.

All the essential amino acids are contained in eggs and in the correct ratios for maintenance and metabolism. You can increase your metabolism by 80-100 calories per day by consuming a high protein diet. This is because of the thermic effect which is the amount of calories used in the process of digesting, absorbing and storing your food. Thus, it takes more energy just to digest proteins than it does to digest fats or carbohydrates. So, it goes without saying that eggs, because they are high in protein, help you burn more calories.

It has been shown in studies that eating eggs for breakfast adds to a feeling of fullness and causes one to eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours in women and over the next 24 hours in men. People who ate eggs for breakfast felt more full. It has been shown that men ate 270-470 less calories at lunch and dinner after having eggs for breakfast.
Furthermore eggs are relatively inexpensive and easy to prepare, making it easy to add them to your daily diet. They are also available almost anywhere.

Eggs contain choline which promotes normal cell activity and liver function. It aids in the transportation of nutrients throughout the body. Choline also is important in the development of baby's memory.

You are probably wondering why I haven't mentioned cholesterol. There are recent recommendations from the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology and American Diabetes Association that no longer limit the intake of eggs or cholesterol. In fact, eggs are promoted as a part of a heart healthy such organizations as Health Canada, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation the Australian Heart Foundation and the Irish Heart Foundation.

So, it seems, eggs can be the "go to" food for hungry dieters. They are not only cheap they are easy to prepare. Keep a few hard boiled eggs handy in the refrigerator for snacks.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Classic - Pure Veg. Restaurant

January 21, 2018 0 Comments
Very nice decent place which serves vegetarian food. Located in Andheri east very close to the Andheri metro station. We came here for our morning breakfast so needless to say we knew what we wanted to eat.

1) Medu Vada - We tried their Medu vada sambar which was very delicious. It was served with good amount of sambar along with two chutneys. I could just keep eating this dish as many times I would visit this place.

Medu Vada

2) ‎Rava Masala Dosa - It was well garnished but then I would say it was an OK dish for me. A little oily. Like Medu vada, we were served sambar and chutneys for this dish as well.

Rava Masala Dosa

That's all we had over here as it was a quick break and breakfast time. This place gave us a satisfaction for the food we ate.

For more pictures and updates, you can check my zomato account - @dhungrysouls and follow me :)

Best buys from amazon online shopping for Valentines

January 21, 2018 2 Comments
Online shopping in India is becoming very trendy nowadays. The main advantage of online shopping is that people without leaving their house can browse through many items and categories, can compare the prices of as many shops as they want, and also can order as many items as they can afford. The online shopping websites also has the facility to deliver the things to the buyer's home.

The Internet allows the buyer to easily compare products and prices so that one can be sure that the item he or she has purchased is the perfect item. Online merchants can publish much more information about their product on a website. Through online shopping, a consumer can avoid the inconvenience of physically traveling to the local market. An online store gives an opportunity to the buyer to shop round the clock.

Shop for your love
The online stores have several styles and a variety of sizes in comparison to our local department store. One can often find tall and petite sizes online as well that one would not find in the stores. The comparison shopping engines can show the buyer what store has the best price online. If one is searching for a latest brand mobile online, he or she can quickly read reviews, check out prices at various stores, and compare features side-by-side for several different models.

Through online shopping in India, one can find variety of goods as the market is national or global and not just local. Other benefits that only online shopping in India can offer one is the ability to avoid the holiday rush, waiting in row, the weather elements, traffic, and having to carry all of the shopping bags around.

Online shopping is also ideal and perfect for those items that one wants to remain a secret. With the help of online shopping, the buyer can save money, time, and effort all with the click of mouse.The advantages of online shopping are numerous, as they bring our favorite items and designers right to our computer screen. One can find the even those products online that are not available in our own town.

After online shopping one will realize what the best shopping websites are and one will be able to buy the things he needs very easily and quickly. It saves a lot of time and trouble. Online shopping is the most practical, economical and enjoyable method of shopping, that is perfect for everyone.

Let me share my best buys from Amazon which is worth the buy. Happy Shopping!

JBL GO Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker with Mic (Red)

Features - 
  • Great sound and small form factor
  • Wireless bluetooth streaming
  • Speakerphone and durable material
  • Compatible with smartphones and tablets
  • Great sound and small form factor
  • Wireless bluetooth streaming
  • Speakerphone and durable material
  • Compatible with smartphones and tablets

Philips Bass+ SHE4305 Headphones with Mic (Blue)

Features - 
  • Powerful 12.2mm speaker drivers
  • Big, bold bass you can feel
  • Great sound isolation
  • Slim, stable in-ear fit
  • Ergonomic design for max comfort
  • Remote control for hands-free calls and music

Arrow Men's printed Slim Fit Cotton Formal Shirt

Features -
  • 100% Cotton
  • Slim fit
  • Normal machine wash with cold water
  • Made in India

    Features - 
    • Material : Crepe
    • Do Not bleach, handwash saparatelywith cold water
    • Protect from direct sunlight, Dry Inside out

    Features - 
    • Dial Color :Rosegold
    • Department :Women
    • Analog Watch-G8027_D

    Friday 19 January 2018

    Perfume For Everyone

    January 19, 2018 0 Comments
    Perfumes are an essential part of our everyday life. They were first used in Egypt, but are now used throughout the world for different reasons.

    Perfumes come in different varieties, concentrations, fragrances, bottles and rates. Perfumes are usually a solution of fragrant aromatic oils and a solvent like ethanol. They are mixed in different proportions to create different intensity of scents. The commonly used eau de cologne has 2-5% of aromatic oil. These aromatic oils are extracted from various natural and synthetic sources to create several kinds of fragrances.

    212 VIP Rose
     By mixing different oils, scents like floral, oriental, woody, fresh, leather, chypre and fourgere are created. Major brands of designer perfumes are available to all over the world, such as YSL, Estee Lauder, Dolce Gabbana, Chanel, Calvin Klein, Christian Dior, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, Roberto Cavalli, Salvador Dali, Stella McCartney, Victoria Secret and many more. All of them come in exquisite packaging and bottles.

    There are many types of perfumes: for the body, bath, car, house, office, etc. All have different concentrations of aroma oils. Perfumes have become so common that we use them daily without giving a second thought. Perfumes can lift your mood and make you feel positive. The way you smell also has a marked impact on the people around you and the way they treat you. If your lively personality is complemented by a pleasant fragrance, it can change your life and of those around you drastically.

    Perfumes have tremendous power to influence emotions. Aroma oils used in perfumes can trigger emotions like love, hatred, passion, activity, hunger, etc. They can even bring back the happy or sad memories of the past. You should wear the perfume that makes you happy and makes you feel good and fresh.

    To pick the perfume that suits you the best, think about the fragrances that you like. They could range from floral, citrus, woody, musk, leather, etc. You should select different perfumes for casual wear and formal wear. The daily wear perfumes could be more sporty type while the party wear ones can have more sophisticated scents. You can have different perfumes for different occasions.

    Remember that the perfumes that you like on others may not suit you as favorably. A single perfume can smell entirely different on different people, so while selecting your scent, try it out on yourself and let it stay for a day to know if you truly like it.

    Today, everybody can be identified by the kind of perfume they wear. Because perfumes are available in all types of fragrances, suiting all pockets, everybody can afford one and make a statement by wearing it. People judge you by the kind of perfume you wear, so it is important that you select the one that suits your personality. Most celebrities have their signature fragrances.

    Once you pick your fragrance do not change it often. Sense of smell helps in associating people with their fragrance. If you stick to one, people will know you have arrived and what mood you are in even without looking at you.

    Perfumes make for a great gift, especially for women. When you run out of ideas for a suitable present for anybody old or young, perfumes are the safest bet. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Thanksgiving or just any other occasion, you can rely on perfumes to delight the receiver.

    But selecting the right fragrance for someone else is an ordeal in itself. Think about the scents that he or she likes and wears most of the time and try to stick to other perfumes similar to that fragrance. So, go ahead, take your pick.

    Thursday 18 January 2018

    Tips for Photographing With Your Phone

    January 18, 2018 0 Comments
    People want a camera that can take good pictures and can be carried all times. And most people don’t even realize that their smartphone can be turned into a fairly decent camera that fits in their pocket. A few years ago, camera phones took bad-looking photos and they weren’t easy to use. Their performance was not great, and no one was going to take a photo with their phones that could be used as a cover in food photography. But that’s not the case today. With phone cameras having 8 megapixel or higher, your photo can be used as a cover for commercial photography. Here are some tips on how to maximize the use of your camera phone.

    Rookie Clicks
    The first thing you need to know is how your phone camera works, how the brightness, contrast, exposure and focus works. Also, you need to know how to hold and figure out its angle on different lighting conditions. It means you need to make some research about photography and photographers like Ralph Smith. Of course, with a good light exposure, you can produce a sharp image. Most camera phones experience shutter delay which is the time between when you press the shutter to the capture of the image. The faster the shutter speed, the lesser the motion blur it would produce.

    Most camera phones have an auto mode which is not good because the phone will choose the settings by itself. If your phone doesn’t have manual settings, you can download a camera app so you can adjust it manually.

    It’s not good to zoom the image, rather, it’s better to crop or just move closer to it because if you zoom the image, the shutter lag will increase, making your image blurred. However, if you crop it, there would still be plenty of resolution left to display. Don’t use the front camera. Front cameras are good for selfies or groupies but most of the camera phones have a lower megapixel on the front camera than the camera at the back. Also, don’t use filters. Filters are good, however, editing your photo is better. Filters reduce the quality, sharpness, and texture of your image.

    For some nice pictures, you can follow @Rookie Clicks on facebook and instagram for some amazing pictures.

    Sunday 14 January 2018

    Mumbai Magic - Casual Dining

    January 14, 2018 0 Comments
    Looking out for a completely vegetarian restaurant on the LBS in Ghatkopar West opposite Shreyas Cinema then this is the place. This place is specially meant for the North Indian, Chinese and Mexican cuisine. Barely visible as it is under a huge tree so you'll have to watch out for the restaurant carefully before you miss it.

    Mumbai Magic

    1) Veg crispy - It was tasty. A combination of sweet and spicy.
    2) ‎Cheese garlic bread - Good quantity and was filled with cheese so people who love cheese must try this.
    Veg Crispy

    3) ‎Masala pav - One of my favorite dish here which hasn't disappointed but has left a craving in me to have it everytime I come here.
    Masala pav

    4) ‎Nawabi Malai Kofta - It was a decent dish. We had it with roti.
    5) ‎Triple Schezwan Fried Rice - Tasted regular, nothing extra ordinary about it.

    1) Malai Kulfi - Again a regular one just to satisfy the sweet tooth.

    Never tried too exotic dishes. Just went for the simpler and food items that would come soon in order to resume work at the earliest 😜😉 This place is a quick treat for Friday Lunch if one wants to avoid waiting the long queue in R city or other restaurants on the same route. It is a delightful place for the vegetarians like I said earlier in my post.

    Saturday 13 January 2018

    Go Funky, Go Bold, Go Edgy with the Ripped Jeans

    January 13, 2018 3 Comments
    It’s difficult to find a garment as widely embraced, loved and worn as the jeans. The classic symbol of the Americans is now a staple in wardrobes around the world. You can ask any group of people why they wear jeans? For some they are comfortable, durable and easy. For others, they are an epitome cool and glamor. Jeans means different to different people. Jeans have become this neutral foundational garment. If you want to be relaxed you wear a jeans.

    Ripped jeans is also known as torn jeans, boyfriend jeans and distressed jeans. The white ripped creates a perfect style statement for you. Similarly, the advantage with this jeans is that it gives you comfort over everything. It is also an example of perfect fitting. Torn jeans can be paired up with fringed tops, crop tops, cutout dresses. T- Shirts, shirts, tank tops and many more can go with a torn jeans. Thus, rugged jeans give a look more funky and stylish than the conventional ones!

    Ripped jeans defines an edgy and punk look. This fashion trend is casual yet trendy. So, let us have a look at how to style yourself with a pair of ripped jeans, and carry that look with elan.

    Ripped jeans men
    For a bold, and sexy outlook pair, distressed jeans with the following:
    •A bold coat and a pair of sleek boots.
    •A flattering white shirt and red lipstick.
    •A silky black trench coat and chunky sandals.
    •A printed purse and pointed toe heels.
    •Also, a furry scarf and black and white printed pumps.
    •Turtleneck top with lace up booties.
    •Wear it with a statement earrings and a breezy blouse.
    •A fur coat and an embellished top could give you a royal look.
    •A tweed blazer, ankle strap heels and Red lipstick.
    •A tucked in blouse and a structured bag. Next back brush your hair into a ponytail for a mesmerizing look.
    •For a sexy street style wear your Ripped Jeans with a medium brimmed fedora and a draped coat.

    Ripped jeans for women should preferably put on a pair of skinny jeans that have been ripped strategically. Wearing this kind of jeans you get a classy yet relaxed look. For a trip to the mall, wear a white ripped jeans, with a casual top. In fact, keep the accessories minimum when you when you wear these jeans. Go for metallic bangles, hoops, and chains.

    Ripped jeans women
    The Deconstructed fashion range is from intentionally ripped trousers to layered torn jeans. Deconstruction Jeans have been around for years and is the chief style of 80s and 90s. Making their return into the fashion spotlight, in the form of distressed jackets, deconstructed jeans, ripped jeans, are an homage to the past. This edgy fashion is a favorite among today’s youth.

    A perfect pair of Deconstruction Jeans is extremely chic for hourglass body type. Garments that appear unfinished, or gives the illusion of coming apart is deconstruction. Distressed jeans are the epitome of relaxed trend. They are straight and skinny with rips at places that gives a pulchritude looks. These jeans reveal fashion charms. The new wave of denims has something very remarkable. The form unique quirks like uneven hems, torn portions, and distressed back pockets.
    The Deconstruction cum ripped jeans provides you the perfect look with an attitude. These jeans are washed and re- washed again and again to give a light feel. After that it is taken for deconstruction. So, that they have the right amount of worn look. Coming to your feet, you can wear sneakers for comfort. The Heels can also give you a cool look. Either way, the style statement remains perfect and if you are having long, fine legs you can rock the party. If you are wearing deconstructed jeans on the way to your office. Undoubtedly, all eyes would be on you!

    Modern version of deconstructed denim, look effortlessly cool. It is easy to carry out when people know the dress you are wearing is superbly stylish. These jeans give you the feeling of still in high fashion. Deconstruction Jeans can be paired with fairly relaxed outfit. A tee or a hoodie is the best. Whether drawing inspiration from 80s glam rock or 90s grunge, deconstruction jeans are a fresh translation of retro fashion references.

    Both the jeans are an extraordinary medium of the latest fashion trend. You would rarely find a wardrobe without these funky, edgy jeans. So, go for it!

    Express fashion in your own way

    January 13, 2018 0 Comments
    "Fashion" originates from the Latin "modus" which signifies "way measure" and, aside from the feeling that alludes to the method for dressing, one of the definitions given by the word reference Le Petit Robert "aggregate tastes, methods for living, feeling that seem elegant at a given time in a given society"

    France is where high form was conceived; as in Paris, one of the biggest urban areas on the planet, it has gained, properly, the title of design capital and is maybe the most essential.

    In spite of the fact that individuals have been keen on attire and form for a huge number of years, the industry has started to come to fruition to années1850. Before 1850, around 70% of the garments were sewn by hand, even those wearing them.

    Since their initiation as of not long ago, the garments have step by step changed their objectives arriving today to selective idea of being in vogue.

    Regularly, the mold is coordinated to individuals who require a solid identity to feature the class. In our current reality where appearance is critical, you need to adjust and keep his identity, without withdrawing from what we truly are. This is the greatest form impact that somebody would be glad to possess.

    Afterward, toward the finish of the twentieth century, dress and buy wind up noticeably aggregate energy even youngsters take for the sake of Gautier, Dior and Chanel. They additionally know the most imperative design houses like Lanvin, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Louis Vuitton Malletier, and so forth.

    Design, style of dress, in every one of its viewpoints, is a non-verbal method of communicating our emotions, our reality see, as to make known by implication our social position, our money related quality and our inclinations. The mode implies excellence, great taste, and methods for correspondence, incorporation and gathering participation. Be stylish assume the assistance of a few components and elements that have the part to distinguish the two favorable circumstances and detriments.

    Among the preferences, we would rather pressure an outcome somebody who is form demonstrates that he has enough cash to be keen on the most recent patterns and to purchase garments that enable him to leave the positions, to win before others. In fact, there is a solid connection between money related influence, the chance to buy the coveted attire and individual joy, solace and chances of a man who is greatly appended to mold. These are the French ones that offer thoughtfulness regarding adornments marked by well known mold creators, and obviously, they occur in this phase when they have a decent money related level, yet in addition when they have more opportunity to stress over that sort of things.

    Then again, a man who is elegant is a dynamic individual, appealing, educated, who knows the different circles and reaches many individuals. It should dependably keep pace with the most recent patterns. In this specific circumstance, we comprehend form as a contributing element and that encourages a man to fit into a gathering or a group and relate to, without making a run the show.

    In any case, we consider that the contentions against form are increasingly various. To begin with, keeping in mind the end goal to be elegant we should have cash to purchase garments and anything got from it. Not the greater part of the vital money related assets to manage the cost of such a speculation, to the point that demonstrate here and there an extravagance. Starting here of view, buy items that are popular, don't consequently imply that they are the most proper for each sort of physical make-up, identity, event.

    On the off chance that we discuss style, we think it is essential to perceive how ladies separate between the diverse methods for dressing, contingent upon the circumstance. An or more for them is that they have a reasonable effect between the workplace garments, road and utilized. At the workplace, they are very tactful, they incline toward extravagance suits, complex embellishments, yet without distortion. As to outfits evening or those utilized, they lean toward rather to put resources into brands.

    Along these lines, abstain from purchasing a thing since it is in vogue, without thinking about different viewpoints: we are alright.

    Then again, there are individuals who need to keep pace with form to make up a couple and evident imperfections in regard of studies, the picked profession, social association. In this unique circumstance, form assumes an adverse part, it misdirects us, and it's right around a bad habit, a similar ailment for individuals who consider it to be an approach to get away from the changes of life. At times we feel substandard compared to others and this in view of the stars that have all the earmarks of being immaculate and furthermore in light of the fact that the models advanced by TV and magazines are false.

    I want to underline that the articulation be stylish has a few implications: it's not simply garments and prepared to wear, shoes and embellishments of different sorts that enhance our appearance, yet in addition patterns, behavior, existing streams sooner or later with regards to a general public, which are received by many individuals just to be present day and appealing.

    Basic Formal Dressing Up Tips For Women

    January 13, 2018 0 Comments
    When we say 'formal dress for a meeting,' the principal thing that strikes a chord is dull and exhausting outfits. All things considered, formal wear has reliably been connected with regular business slant. Regardless, as a regularly expanding number of associations are meandering into the material market the obstructions of formal wear is getting slimmer and slimmer. These days, you can have a wide collection of material, cut, plans and tones to peruse and carry some life into the conspicuous debilitating formal stuff. Each one of the rules relating to sprucing up precisely increments impressively more essentialness with respect to dressing in formal wear. Said underneath are a few such concentrations that should be recollected before wandering out.

    Dress For Your Body:

    Do whatever it takes not to take as indicated by the most recent patterns, rather take after the examples that suit you. Examples of what you think you should wear. Find the blueprints that suit you best and produce your look starting there. On the off chance that you really need to guarantee it fits wonderfully, for what reason not commission a bespoke piece. Try not to be reluctant to strife with the grain: Kate Moss has such completed night wear style, and that is on account of she isn't hesitant to break a few principles. There is a fragile nuance between legitimate dressing and dull congruity, and she has it nailed.

    Pick The Right Color:

    With regards to shading, dim, maritime power and the correct red are your endlessness staples. Pearl stones are a stunning option in case you require something to some degree less praiseworthy. On the off chance that you're feeling all the more courageous attempt diverse things with unmistakable citrus tones or pastels. Then again, add sprinkles of shading to a fair-minded outfit as satchels, jewels, and shoes in case you have to stay away from any hazard.

    Get The Right Pair Of Shoes

    Shoes should reliably supplement your dress, and an essential dress calls for more straightforward and decorating footwear, also as a sequined or overwhelmingly beaded outfit should be joined with an extraordinary match of provocative back territories. In addition, regardless of the way that transcending foot bottom territories influence you to take after a super model, please come full circle the specialty of walking around them first. Stages are to be kept up a vital separation from, particularly if your skirt falls over your knee. Keep in mind chic, pleasant expressive move cushions for the complete of the night.

    Embellishments Do Matter

    Embellishments join the entire look. This season is about the first, energetic clarification hold, from Chanel's plexi-glass box styles or chilly knuckleduster get a handle on, in the style of Alexander McQueen, will two-overlay as both your pack and jewels. No blended drink rings required! Regardless, it doesn't have to cost the earth, trawling through business parts and vintage shop can convey some novel finds.

    Pick The Right Undergarments

    Impartial garments, an awesome bra, and smoothing apparel can significantly affect your dress. The perfect outfit can change your outlook and sureness. A recognizable underpants line can decimate your look to a certain extent. Wear pleasing underpants as demonstrated by your dress. Like in case you have picked a dress that fits well at the midriff by then buy a tummy shaper to look really perfectly healthy and adapted. For a strapless piece, get an underwear.

    4 Great Food Options for Overcoming Hunger Pangs When Dieting

    January 13, 2018 0 Comments
    Drinking water from your ceramic water dispenser or another source is a great way to lose weight when dieting. Often, when we feel hungry, we’re actually dehydrated and need a drink of water. This is an easy theory to test yourself, next time you feel hungry, have a glass of water and wait half an hour. If you still feel hungry, you need to eat, but if the hunger has subsided, then you were simply dehydrated. Drinking cold water makes you feel fuller, and this satiates the appetite. However, there are also foods which can help you to overcome hunger pangs when dieting, here are four of them.

    1. Choose High in Fibre Foods:

    Foods that are high in fibre make us feel fuller for longer, and this can help to naturally suppress your appetite. The more common choices would be potatoes, grains, and beans. However, some people are unaware that foods, such as nuts, apples, pears and leafy vegetable, are also very high in fibre. Eating fibre will help to kill off any craving for sugar, and the fibre will swell up when you drink water to make you feel full again.

    2. Don’t Skip a Healthy Breakfast:
    Don't skip breakfast!

    After sleeping all night, your blood sugar levels are already low, and this will create hunger pangs. Skipping breakfast will only exacerbate these feeling and should be avoided. Allow plenty of time in the morning to have breakfast before you leave the house for the day. Eating a high fibre fortified cereal will do the trick, with a glass of juice to drink.

    3. Go Spicy:

    Eating spicier foods is a great and simple way to encourage weight loss. Some of the best options include tabasco sauce, hot peppers, curry powder, garlic, and cumin. These foods, boost your metabolism, they raise the levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine in your body, which in turn help to suppress your appetite naturally.

    4. Eat Plenty of Salads:

    The humble salad is a great option for filling you up, as long as you don’t coat them with fatty dressing. Leafy greens are very high in fibre as we discussed above and salads are low in fat. Avoid oil based vinaigrettes, as an alternative, grind flaxseeds up and sprinkle them over the salad for taste. Flaxseeds are rich in Omega 3 and also high in fibre as well.