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Saturday 3 February 2018

Fried Misal pav - yes, you heard it right!

Have you ever heard of fried misal pav? If not then you heard it right. I'm not talking about fried Maggie but fried misal something that I tried recently and still can't get over it!

Visited this place named Geeta Refreshments bang opposite Vile Parle station hidden behind the Dinanath theater bus stop. It's a small restaurant with limited and conjested seating.
Like I mentioned above we ordered
A) Fried Misal pav - Trust me guys it was so tasty that I wasn't taking any break before having the next morsel. Even now my mouth is watering when I writing about it.
Fried misal pav
A semi gravy misal with perfect masala and spices along with rassa in a separate tiny bowl. The staff was good they divided the dish n served it one by two with extra pav which was more than enough for me. Though this place is also famous for makhai burji, makhai pattice and makhai balls. We next thought of trying -
Makhai/corn pattice
B) Makhai/corn pattice - Had the perfect covering of potato which was filled in between with corn masala. Served with chutney. It tasted good but not great as compared to the previous dish. We basically wanted to try makhai burji but then our tummy didn't have enough place to accommodate it. Therefore, we went ahead with this one.
C) Chass - Totally refreshing and perfect!
It's a very old restaurant with good variety of food but at times we get carried away with the new style of restaurants that we don't pay attention to such small restaurants. Such small joints not only serve amazing food but are pocket friendly too. I'm sure once you have food from here, you would not only be contented in terms of good food but also good savings as well :) Keep following and sharing the content and my page with your family and friends to keep updated on such topics and many more. 

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