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Sunday 11 February 2018

How to build self confidence

Confidence is a must these days to be successful in whatever you do personally or professionally. Confidence is something that we create within ourselves by believing in ourselves - the way we are. Your level of self-confidence can be showcased in many ways: your behavior, your body language, how you speak, what you say, and so on. So, you need to be careful when you present yourself either it make a deal or break.


The positive thing here is that if a person lacks confidence, he can work towards it but to build self confidence you must be true to yourself. No one can give you self confidence. Confidence is an internal gratification, of which only you can award. Here are five ways you can build self confidence by being true and honest with yourself.

1. It’s Not What You Do it’s How You Do It!

I can do it
When approaching everything in life, especially when learning how to build self confidence, your outlook will directly affect your outcome. Having the 'I can do it attitude'. Believe in yourself that you can do it and grab every opportunity that comes your way and there is no way you can fail, then chances are, you have got one trophy with your name engraved in it before the race even starts. This goes with everything in life. Literally push the notion from your mind that failure is even a possibility. The best thing to do is to talk to yourself. Yes, you read it right - tell yourself you are awesome, you are the best and you can do it! Nothing anyone else says matters. All that matters is you! Trust me you would be unstoppable.

2. Capture all your Successes in a journal

Start capturing every success you have, big or small in a journal and look back on that success when you start to feel your confidence is sinking. This journal will act like a catalyst in building your self confidence. In this journal include your thoughts about the achievement before and after. This will not only help you in boasting your confidence but will also give you ideas to plan the existing or upcoming task. Also, record a reward you gave yourself for a job well done and ensure all of your successes have a reward that you give yourself. For example, if the objective is to get a job, you getting the job is not the reward. You need to celebrate completing the objective successfully.

3. Before You Make Any Decision, Ask Yourself What You Want

The best advice you need, to learn how to build self confidence is you need to control yourself to control your destiny. Do not let anyone pressure you or persuade you to make any decision. Even if you agree, you need to take a step back, take a breath, look at the facts objectively and ask yourself, what do you want?

4. Do What You Like to Do

It is very important to do what you like. Generally, people start liking what they do which is wrong as you're forcing yourself here. You learn how to build self confidence by doing what you like to do. No matter what it is, you need to love it! It doesn't matter if anyone else on the planet likes what you like, as long as you like it, you can build objectives and complete them, thus gaining self confidence!

5. Do What You Like to Do Better Than Anyone Else and Do Not Be Modest!

All that matters is your opinion when learning how to build self confidence and you do what you like to do better than anyone else and when you have successes, tell the world! Life is full of challenges; ups and downs and insecurities. The only guaranteed relationship you have is with yourself, so make that relationship a great one!

Rest of the things will fall in place once you train your mind on the above points. You can be your biggest strength or your biggest weakness. All you need to do is believe in yourself and throw "n't" from can't for you to achieve greater heights because for those who believe in themselves 'Sky is the limit.'