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Sunday 17 June 2018

Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? I'm sure you would be having one but never realized, it is called bucket list. Let me make it easier by calling it as your wish list. If you don't have it then I urge you to have one.

Bucket List
What is a Bucket List?
Before that let me tell you what is a Bucket List? Bucket List is anything & everything that you wish to do before you die. It could "a dream that you wish to fulfill, a goal that you want to achieve or a life experience that you wish to experience before you die."

These days people do give it a lot of importance as 'Life is so unpredictable', you are clueless what is going to happen next. You never know while you were working so hard, day in and out assuming you have the rest of the life to do what you want but unfortunately that's not possible anymore. Just like the characters from the novel 'Fault in our stars' who are diagnosed with Cancer and are about to die, we don't know what future holds for us.
So, why not achieve, fulfill what you desire? I too have my bucket list which I almost completed and left it due to the busy life.

Inspiration - Marathi movie Bucket List
Only after watching Bollywood's evergreen beauty Madhuri Dixit's debut Marathi movie Bucket List on how a 40-year old woman who takes the task of checking off the wish-list of a teenaged heart donor, I realized how important it is to have a bucket list. The movie revolves around her adventures-turned-misadventures journey where her choices defines a newer version of her. You should definitely watch this movie for it's sheer meaning in a simple way. I have again shifted my attention towards my bucket list and have decided to add few things and started working towards fulfilling it. It could be big or small,  it all depends on you as it's your list. You could also have a couple or family bucket list.

Bucket List - Debut Marathi movie of Madhuri Dixit
Making a bucket list
Few things that I had in my bucket list as a teenager were -
✔️ Going for a night out to a friend's place (as my mom still is against it but somehow managed to go to one of my girl friend's house 😛)
✔️ Visiting a place where there's snow (went to Manali for my college Industrial Visit)
✔️ Clubbing
✔️ Celebrating my birthday in GOA
✔️ Buying a scooty for my 21st birthday
✔️ Scuba diving so on and so forth

Happily completed the above ones & now I have  another one 😄 You can create yours as well. Let me help you with few -
  • Travelling to a foreign country (as it is cheaper these days & like I always say you should travel, it is a wonderful experience)
  • Learning something new that you always wished for but never gave it a thought (dancing, singing, baking, learning a new language..)
  • Some experiences (scuba diving, parasailing, sky diving or any kind of sport)
  • Helping someone in need
Psychologists also suggest that you should have a bucket list. 

Psychology also favors having bucket list
How to make a bucket list?
You can also ask yourself few questions like 

"What if I were to die tomorrow? What would I wish to do before I die?"

and your list would be ready. This would also help you in discovering yourself - a new you :) Take a pen and a paper, start writing!