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Tuesday 24 July 2018

Book Review - How I taught my Grandmother to read and other stories

Book - How I taught my Grandmother to read and other stories

Author - Sudha Murty

How I taught my Grandmother to read and other stories

Stories - Who doesn't like one? Take any person, whether young or old, male or female; stories have been an integral part of each of our lives. From your grandparents and parents, to teachers and friends; no matter who the narrator is or how old you get, you will always be fascinated by stories.
This is what author Sudha Murty draws inspiration from for her book - How I Taught my Grandmother to Read and other Stories, which comprises many beautiful stories related to her life. These stories have morals, motivate, and also teach us the values of life. I know it is essentially meant for children, but let’s not forget that there is a child in each one of us which we keep hidden as we grow up in life.

 The book starts with a story about how the author taught her grandmother to read. The author talks about the times when women were deprived of education due to a lot of reasons and how her grandmother’s desire to learn made her a bright student. Her grandmother learnt to read quickly as she had the hunger for education. This story teaches me to never give up the thirst for knowledge.

The other story that touched me is about how despite the author’s husband  – Mr. Narayan Murty, being a topper, couldn’t join the finest college whereas his other friends did. However, he didn’t let this get in his way or dishearten him. He approached it positively and took up the challenge and went to prove himself.

Sudha Murty
The book contains several simple, short and inspiring stories about the author’s students, cousin, teacher, and many others who crossed her path. Each of the individual’s either left a mark on her or it was the other way round, but in both cases, there is something to learn from every story.

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