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Wednesday 18 July 2018

Book Review - Six thinking hats

Book - Six thinking hats

Author – Edward De Bono

Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono
Thinking – The talking of soul to itself’ is most difficult as we tend to be ambiguous when it comes to solving any problem. This book helps us understand the different perspectives that an individual should take into account and analyze while solving any problem to achieve better results.  These aspects are termed as the ‘six thinking hats’ by the author ‘Edward De Bono’.

Six Thinking Hats
  • White Hat: facts, figures, information
This hat is useful while initiating a new research or towards the end while concluding the final verdict.

  • Red Hat: emotions and feelings, hunch and intuition
This can be used when you need to make some important decision personally or professionally which has a major impact on your life.

  • Black Hat: devil's advocate, negative judgment
This hat tends to find out loopholes while absorbing an idea. Classic example would be while developing software; a tester wears the black hat.

  • Yellow Hat: optimism, positivity
Often in life, we tend to think negative especially when it comes to expenses. That’s when this hat comes to the rescue.

  • Green Hat: creativity
While giving a new suggestion to my clients or writing posts on my blog, I make use of the green hat, which brings out new ideas, possibilities & without which progress is impossible.

  • Blue Hat: controlling of the hats and thinking, orchestration
This hat is kind of a managerial hat that ensure all the above thinking hats guidelines are absorbed.

Which hat should I go for?

To summarize, this book is easy and simple, yet it helps you better understand what mode of thought you should turn to while addressing different situations and solving different problems at any given point of time. This can be used by anyone and everyone whenever you need to lay down any guidelines for your work. It will surely broaden your horizon and help you to gain amazing results.

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