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Wednesday 11 July 2018

Book Review - Who moved my cheese?

Book - Who moved my cheese?

Author - Dr. Spencer Johnson

Who moved my cheese?
This book is very simple, yet meaningful. There’s a story inside the other where a group of people meet for a reunion and then one amongst them starts narrating this beautiful story which has four little characters (two mice – Sniff, Scurry and two little people – Hem, Haw) who run through a maze looking for cheese and find one at the end of Cheese Station C.

When the cheese supply is over, Sniff and Scurry right away start looking for new cheese because they didn’t wish to complicate things, while Hem and Haw wait at Station C, cribbing about their bad luck.
Sniff and Scurry’s search for new cheese in the maze finally ends with them finding new cheese, while on the other hand Hem and Haw wait at  Station C in hopes of finding their cheese turns unfruitful. After waiting for a few days, Haw finally gathers some courage and realizes that there’s was no point in waiting any further. He persuades  Hem to start their search for new cheese but Hem is reluctant to do so and stays back.  Haw’s lone search for cheese continues with no success for a few days. At times he feels like giving up t hope and  to return but the determination of finding  the new cheese keeps him going and  he finally finds it.

Which character are you? - Hem, Haw, Sniff and Scurry

At the end of the story, all the friends reunite and  imagine themselves as Hem at many situations where they failed. They realize that the only reason behind it was the resistance to change. That’s what happens in real life, but  like Sniff, Scurry and  Haw, we too should not give up in order to progress in life. If I had to  pick another best part about the book it would have to be the lines that Haw leaves behind for Hem. It contains a lot of learnings that he experiences over his journey which is worth following by each one of us.

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